Our Training Services

Expert Mobile Personal

One to one personal training is the fastest and most effective way to achieve your desired health goals. Functional For Life understands that each individual’s body has different limitations. As such, our elite mobile training team work within your capabilities with exercises tailored to your needs maximising your time and delivering life changing results. If you are looking for personal training that fits your lifestyle click below for a free no obligation trial.

Small group training is a great way to keep motivated and social whilst still achieving your health goals. Our expert mobile training team deliver individually tailored sessions whilst ensuring that group members are working within their own abilities and towards their own personal goals. If you have a small group that are looking for a cost effective form of training whilst still receiving a premium service click below for a free no obligation trial.

Corporate group training is a great way to build rapport between colleagues whilst improving employee well-being and productivity.

Functional For Life has designed specific programs to improve the postural issues that many corporate workers commonly face. These programs address the structural limitations caused from excessive sitting aiming to achieve pain free, strong & efficient movement.

Our online personal trainers offer proven and results-based personalised programs for all ability and fitness levels. Our industry leading trainers, with a combined 25 years’ experience, offer a variety of online options designed to help you achieve your goals.

With a business founded on providing tailored exercise and advice, we are committed continuing this mantra as we move into a new way of living – and working out at home becomes the new normal.

NDIS Personal Training is more than just fitness; it’s about empowering individuals to lead more independent and fulfilling lives. At Functional For Life, we recognise the unique challenges faced by those in the NDIS community. Our tailored programmes are crafted to address specific physical needs, enhancing mobility, strength, and confidence. 

We’re committed to creating an environment where every individual can thrive, paving the way for enhanced daily living and well-being.

In-home personal training combines effective workouts with the comfort of your own space. At Functional For Life, we tailor sessions to fit seamlessly into your daily routine. 

Receive expert guidance without leaving your doorstep, ensuring each workout aligns with your unique goals. Experience the luxury of fitness delivered right to your living room.

At Functional For Life, we believe in the power of outdoor training. From your backyard to beaches and parks, immerse yourself in natural settings while pursuing your fitness goals! Feel the difference of training with the added boost of sunlight and open spaces. Dive into a holistic workout experience tailored for you.



At Functional For Life, we pair exercise with tailored nutrition. Our Accredited Dietitians craft bespoke dietary plans, considering your unique health needs and goals. Whether building muscle, losing weight, or managing health conditions, we simplify nutrition, steering clear of fleeting diet trends. Partner with us for a holistic wellness approach.

Free trial enquiry


If you are looking to improve your overall health and well being, follow the link for a free no obligation trial.

Why Functional

Functional training focuses on training movements that we use in day to day life. For example, sitting down and getting up out of a chair is a very similar movement to a squat. Bending over to pick something up off the ground is a similar motion to a dead lift and the list goes on. At Functional For Life our programs and trainers are here to help you achieve the health and fitness goals you desire, whether it is toning, strength and conditioning, hypertrophy (muscle building), flexibility, weight loss or general fitness.

In order to achieve these goals safely and efficiently, first and foremost it is essential that our bodies are moving correctly. Having your body move the way it was designed to will result in joint and body stability, economy of movement, enhanced power and decreased susceptibility to injury. If your body shows signs of dysfunction. (which is very common in this day and age) we will work with you to improve your functional fitness and of course progressively challenge you to steer you towards your goals. Throughout our programs we are passionate about having our clients understand what correct movement looks like and feels like.

Understanding how to move correctly in day to day life greatly reduces the risks of chronic injuries and we hope it allows you to live a fuller and happier life. For more information drop us a line in the contact box below! Whether you choose to train in a group or by yourself, we hope to be helping you move towards a healthier and happier you soon!

It all starts with a
free trial

Set your fitness goals and run through a personalised session. Your success is our Priority. For this reason we want you to try our services with no risk before making any commitments. We believe connecting with a personal trainer that is suited to your personality and your needs is paramount to your overall success. Through our free trial one of our experienced trainers will come to you and work with you to understand and set your fitness goals as well as take you through the key components of our training system. The free trial includes:

Goal Setting Clarity

Movement Screening

Self Massage Techniques

Fitness Testing

Functional Training Session

Today is a great day to take the first step in your fitness journey! Enquire Below or call 1300 070 955 to arrange a session!