PT at home

Ready to take your health and fitness to the next level. Functional For Life specialises in PT at home services, bringing our certified in-home personal trainers straight to your door. 

Experience the convenience and effectiveness of personalised, at-home fitness training with experts who are dedicated to your well-being. From goal setting and movement screening to expert nutrition advice, we provide a comprehensive approach to health that fits into your lifestyle! 

Enquire today about our  free trial

Why Choose At Home Personal Training?

Functional For Life isn’t your regular personal training. Our completely mobile service means we deliver results-based training to your door. We bring all of the equipment and expertise needed to help you achieve your health and fitness goals, whether you want to train in your backyard, at the local park or even the beach! Stop trying to change your lifestyle to fit in training, and instead see how mobile personal training can work around you. 

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Benefits of in home personal training?

More time for the things you love

No more commuting to and from the gym, or being dependent on opening hours to fit in your workout. Your Functional For Life trainer will come to you at a time and place of your choice, giving you back valuable time in your day to do the things you love. 

 Increased accountability

Committing to a routine with your trainer keeps you accountable, meaning you’re less likely to skip a session and more likely to achieve your goals.

A comfortable training environment 

One of the most common barriers to exercise we hear from new clients is the gym environment. Whether you find the gym too crowded, too intimidating, or you just don’t feel comfortable there, at-home training is the perfect alternative to help you achieve your fitness goals.  

A holistic approach 

Our team of carefully selected PTs not only join us with industry qualifications and experience under their belt; they’re also constantly up-skilling to ensure we’re providing the best possible personal training to our clients. We believe in a holistic approach to health, so we work with our clients to improve mobility, create sustainable habits and improve their diets as the foundation for meaningful,  long-term change.


Your Home

Local Park




Improve your movement

Not all personal training programs are created equal. We offer a comprehensive fitness experience tailored to your needs, transforming your home into a personal fitness studio. Our ‘personal home trainers’ are qualified not only to help you reach your health and fitness goals but also to improve your day-to-day movement through targeted strengthening, activation, and mobility exercises. This ensures that you’ll be ready to tackle everyday tasks with full confidence in your body!

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Experience expert Support and accountability with an in home personal trainer!

The pinnacle of a successful personal training program is achieving your goals whilst developing positive life long health habits. At Functional For Life our trainers are passionate about providing you with all the tools necessary to maximise your chance of improving your health holistically. We are constantly looking for ways to help you transcend poor habits and become the healthiest and happier version of you. Our additional support help you to stay on track, and keep you accountable. Outside of our individual private personal training sessions we offer:

App support:

Fully Customised and Comprehensive workouts that can be done anywhere, anytime.

Nutrition Advice:

We can provide you with custom meal plans or refer you to our partnered dietitian.

Well Being tracking:

We can create custom well being, data tracking to help you stay on track and up to date with your tailored goals!

24/7 support:

Our communication lines are always open. We are happy to hear from you via text or email any time of the day!

It all starts with a
free trial

Your success is our Priority. For this reason we want you to try our services with no risk before making any commitments. We believe connecting with a personal trainer that is suited to your personality and your needs is paramount to your overall success. Through our free trial one of our experienced trainers will come to you and work with you to understand and set your fitness goals as well as take you through the key components of our training system. The free trial includes:

Goal Setting Clarity

Movement Screening

Self Massage Techniques

Fitness Testing

Functional Training Session

Today is a great day to take the first step in your fitness journey! Enquire Below or call 1300 070 955 to arrange a session!