Meet Nathan

Nathan - PT

Melbourne Team Member
“As a passionate personal trainer, I’m dedicated to transforming the lives of clients with tailored workouts, nutrition guidance, and motivational support.”

Learn more about Nathan

With a robust educational background that includes a Certificate III and IV in Fitness, a Diploma of Sport Coaching & Development, and accreditations from both ESSA (Exercise & Sports Science Australia) and ASCA (Australian Strength and Conditioning Association), I bring over seven years of hands-on experience to my role as a personal trainer.

Passionate about empowering individuals, I specialise in creating personalised workout programs that cater to the unique goals and abilities of each client. My approach combines the latest in fitness techniques with nutritional guidance and emotional support to not only achieve but sustain health and wellness.

Driven by the success of my clients, I continue to evolve my practice by staying updated with the latest trends and research in health and fitness. Whether you’re looking to lose weight, gain muscle, enhance athletic performance, or simply maintain a healthy lifestyle, I am committed to helping you realise your potential and achieve your goals.

Nathan can travel to you!

This may include areas such as:

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It all starts with a
free trial

Your success is our Priority. For this reason we want you to try our services with no risk before making any commitments. We believe connecting with a personal trainer that is suited to your personality and your needs is paramount to your overall success. Through our free trial one of our experienced trainers will come to you and work with you to understand and set your fitness goals as well as take you through the key components of our training system. The free trial includes:

Goal Setting Clarity

Movement Screening

Self Massage Techniques

Fitness Testing

Functional Training Session

Today is a great day to take the first step in your fitness journey! Enquire Below or call 1300 070 955 to arrange a session!